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Mexican Electronic Accounting Integrated to an ERP

Learn about the requirements of the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) that your accounting system (ERP must comply with, and how we can help you without changes to your system and business processes.

Every company established in Mexico is obligated to monthly submit to the SAT, in XML format and in Spanish, their Electronic Accounting, consisting of the chart of accounts, the trial balance, and the vouchers linked to CFDIs (at the SAT’s request and for tax refunds and offsets). It’s possible that your accounting system (ERP) doesn’t comply with this due to various reasons: technical, functional, language barriers, differences in accounting criteria between Mexico and other countries, high costs, or simply due to corporate policies regarding security and confidentiality of information.

We offer you a software solution that, integrated into your accounting system (ERP), through translation rules and association with CFDIs, replicates the essential accounting information from the ERP into a Mexican accounting system that does comply with electronic accounting, generating the XML files required by the SAT. Not only does it include the chart of accounts and the trial balance, but also the vouchers linked to CFDIs.

With our solution, companies relocating to Mexico don’t need to change their accounting system or business processes, thus enjoying the advantages of reducing compliance costs and delegating to the Mexican accounting system the constant adjustments required by the SAT for electronic accounting.
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Local IT Technical support

Under your company´s policies and standards, you will have qualified personnel and tools in Mexico to provide technical support to the IT infrastructure and the people who use it, as well as support for your corporate IT staff in the configuration and administration of the infrastructure, information security and business continuity.

Companies that relocate to Mexico will need to use the ICT services provided by the corporation for the operation of the business, but under the same ICT administration and governance processes that are in place at the headquarters, which will require local technical support for the users in Mexico and for corporate ICT staff in the configuration and maintenance of equipment that cannot be done remotely.

We offer, help Users of IT services in matters related to the operation and security of hardware and software in the technological infrastructure, such as: Servers, Personal Computers, CCTV, Internet, Local Area Network, and Office Automation. Aditionally and following the technical instructions provided by the corporate IT staff, and when physical intervention on the equipment is required, we will support locally the configuration and administration of these.
The personnel assigned will be the first and only point of contact for users for first-level support, and if necessary, they will escalate it to the second level: (1) with the contracted ERP consulting in Mexico, (2) with corporate IT staff, or (3) with the hardware and software providers or manufacturers of the technological infrastructure.

The physical maintenance of equipment due to malfunction or warranty will always be provided by the manufacturer or a specialized third party, as well as new physical installations such as cabling, air conditioning, or civil work.
With the local IT technical support, companies that relocate to Mexico ensure the same service level agreement to their users and apply the best corporate practices in relation to information security and for ICT management processes.

Local IT Technical Suppot - OASA - Nearshoring Mexico - Arriving Mexico
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Electronic Tax Audit

Anticipate risks and tax conflicts with the SAT, reviewing in advance the electronic information in your accounting system against that the SAT has from your company and at the same time, optimize your processes to pay taxes, compliance and internal control.

For many reasons, such as lack of integrity between the systems involved in accounting, registration or calculation errors, omissions and even differences in interpretation of the law, there may be differences between the records and electronic information that you have in accounting system (ERP) and those that the SAT obtains with the issuance of CFDIs, payment of taxes and delivery of electronic accounting.

Differences that, depending on their severity and origin, can cause financial fines and sanctions that could suspend the operation of your company in Mexico.We offer you an IT solution that massively downloads all types of CFDIs from the SAT, such as issued and received invoices, payroll receipts, payment supplements, etc., integrates the electronic accounting files you submitted monthly and create a structured database that serves as a Tax File. It provides a wide range of subsequent queries and analytics, generating pre-configured or custom reports tailored to your needs.

These reports compare the information from your accounting system (ERP) against the one that the SAT has, for the purposes of early self-audit, SAT electronic audit and tax payment.With our solution, companies that relocate to Mexico mitigate non-compliance, reputational and financial risks, by early emulating the electronic audits carried out by the SAT as part of tax collection, promptly detecting, before the SAT does, discrepancies that lead to sanctions and even suspension of the company’s activity.

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