HLB MAAT Advisors - Nearshoring Mexico - Arriving Mexico

Optimising Business Enhancing Business

Who we are

We are a firm of professional services specialists in the different areas required by organizations and companies to achieve their objectives, members of HLB International and HLB Mexico.
In HLB MAAT, we have the experience and knowledge to bring companies and businesses to the forefront, as well as great prestige on a national and international level.

Previvales Combustible - Nearshoring Mexico - Arriving Mexico

Social plans voucher

Benefits for companies

With a spirit of social commitment, more than 20 years ago, our current management team consolidated strategic alliances with governmental entities, transforming the delivery of in-kind aid to various vulnerable sectors of society to the delivery of resources in the form of an electronic voucher. We certainly know how to do it and do it well, thanks to the experience of having been the first. The scope of our payment solutions for Social Plans covers all objectives:

• Housing
• Clothing • Food
• Education
• Disability

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